Hidden Gems

by Elizabeth Monks Hack, Cypress Gallery reporter, “A Walk Through the Cypress” monthly column

After more than twenty-seven years in business, members of the Cypress Gallery still encounter folks who exclaim, “Wow! I didn’t even know this was here!” Is this perhaps because we are a hidden gem, even though we are located on the corner of H Street and Cypress Avenue, bordering Centennial Park? This month, the hidden gem that is the Cypress Gallery, announces its February show by featured artist Susanne Schenck, entitled “The Quest for Hidden Gems in California.” You can start right here.

Schenck is a photographer, as well as an intrepid traveler, hiker, and camper. As an explorer of nature and her environs, Schenk uses her camera to document her adventures, and to further discover and appreciate them through the lens of art. She enjoys sharing her experiences, stating she would like the viewer to “feel like you're coming along on the trip with me, and seeing the wonders I see.” 

Susanne Schenk, Light Under the Pismo Beach Pier

Schenck was born in Sweden, but is now a long-time Lompoc local, who loves to load up the 20 ft trailer and go hunting for hidden gems. The subject of light falling on the objects in nature is a primary theme of her photographs. Rendered beautifully, it defines place, time and experiences. Complete immersion in the story of “a stark cliff dropping down in a wondrous blue ocean at sunset,” or “iced-over lakes in red beautiful sunset lights mesmerizing you,” is what the artist hopes for.                           

Schenk’s gift for framing and defining light is apparent throughout her work. In “Light Under the Pismo Beach Pier” a pathway of oblique pier columns lead towards a symmetric door of pure light, opening at the end. Light is used to transform an ordinary cow into the sacred bull of antiquity, solemnly making its approach, in “Dusty Cow.” The goal of Schenk’s quest, “to convey a sense of awe and wonder of nature's beauty,” has been accomplished in this show. 

Susanne Schenk, Dusty Cow

After exploring  Schenck’s world, viewers can continue the search for gems through the diverse viewpoints of our many gallery artists. Our community gallery is a treasure trove of various painting styles, subject matter and media. Vicki Anderson’s rich, compact floral “Red and Pinks” is a glorious bouquet for your Valentine. “African Mask” by Valerie de Mille will knock your socks off. Conversely, the serenity of Tom Chrones’ photograph “Great Blue” heron will take you to a motionless space. 

Artists working in three dimensions this month have contributed a wealth of intriguing beauty and surprise. “Billy the Squid” by Steve Scolari is a witty, sculptural construction of carved wood and twigs. Beverly Messenger-Harte’s dense, intricate design around a convex mirror, “Balance and Harmony,” is a bamboo assembly that allows one to look into oneself. Sculptor Chuck Klein amazes us this month with a new series of carved and shaped wall pieces. “Tree Frog” intertwines the world of forest and spirit through a precise mounting of rendered wood and bead assemblage. 

There is so much more to explore, this month and every month, in the world of art, right here in the middle of town. We also have gorgeous little works of art in the form of jewelry, cards and other gifts. We announce all of our shows, and events and classes monthly, in print, online and on social media. So now, if you didn’t know before about the Cypress Gallery, you know! 

The Cypress Gallery is operated by the members of the Lompoc Valley Art Association, a 501c(3) non-profit organization, committed to expanding and supporting access to the arts in the Lompoc and Santa Ynez Valleys. 119 East Cypress Avenue, Lompoc. Thursday – Sunday, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm, or call for an appointment (805) 737-1129 <lompocart.org>  <facebook.com/CypressGallery>

IMAGES by Bill Morson

  1. Susanne Schenk_ Light Under the Pismo Beach Pier

  2. Susanne Schenk_ Dusty Cow

  3. Vicki Andersen_ Red and Pinks

  4. Valerie de Mille_African Mask

  5. Chuck Klein_Tree Frog

  6. Beverly Messenger-Harte_Balance and Harmony

  7. Steve Scolari_Billy the Squid

  8. Chris Jeszeck_There You Are!

  9. Carol Wood_Storm Drain

  10. Lee Hill_Pride of the Coop

  11. Kelly Ranger_Hendry’s Beach

  12. Elizabeth Monks Hack_Third Room