Fanciful Flights, “A Walk Through the Cypress” March 2025

by Elizabeth Monks Hack

They’re back! Birds of a feather have come home to roost at the Cypress Gallery. In this case, they are birds comprised of any imaginable art media. This creative assortment of avian friends are a feature of the show “Flights of Fancy,” a Lompoc Valley Art Association community art project. Artists were invited to decorate, enhance and otherwise transform a simple bird shape cut from wood. No stipulations other than creativity were imposed.

The results of this particular artistic challenge are delightfully whimsical, and as varied as the personalities of each artist. Some pieces are humorous, others surprising, poetic, introspective, entertaining, or simply beautiful. Collage elements of all types are used as embellishments, including glass, found objects and metal.

Figure 9: Diane Arnold “Ready to Go” Mixed media

In a stunning piece by Joe Gliebe Goetz, the viewer enters the world of dream time. His “Dawn of Effervescence” features a bird resting on a branch, lit by a cosmic sun, rendered with the dot technique found in Australian aboriginal art. Two delicately painted pieces by Jennifer Chavoya Morena, “Night Time Lovebirds, I and II,” are magical. Kaitlin Chui’s “Someone to Come Home To,” a mixed media piece that includes fine drawing, takes the viewer into the mysterious world of private thoughts.

Some of the flat cut-outs have become three-dimensional. “SKETCH” is the name of a cartoon character bird by Linda Gooch, complete with a beret and miniature sketchpads and pencils. “Ready to Go” by Diane Arnold, atop its own tree branch, has “feathers” made of shells, buttons, and stones.

Traditional paintings of birds, and those rendered in glass and mosaic, are included in the display. Throughout the gallery the viewer will find a crane, a snowy plover, a rooster, a parrot, a mockingbird, sparrows and finches. This is a must-see show for bird-lovers, fanciers of bird art, and of the creative process itself. Where else will you find a mer-bird, or a car-bird?

Also on display are works produced by our gallery artists, of environments so convincing the viewer can conjure a complete ecosystem; almost hear the birds! Go on a safari with Lee Hill, through his painting “Mom’s Pride.” Wander through the grass, the sage and oak trees in paintings such as “La Purisma Paths” by Neil Andersson and “Old Red Barn” by Claudette Carlton. Hear the bees buzz and sense the abundance of the floral kingdom, in spectacular floral watercolors by Diane Atturio and a pastel by Deborah Breedon.

The Cypress Gallery is your place for art. We are also a well-supplied gift store and an arts education center, with classes taught by gallery members. Support us by a visit and a purchase. Have yourself a merry, local art experience this spring!

All photos by E. Monks Hack